Vacuum Mixers

VPM2 Programmable Vacuum Mixing Unit

VPM2 Programmable Vacuum Mixing Unit

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The VPM2 is designed for vacuum mixing all types of gypsums, plasters and investments. You can enter up to 30 separate programs using several parameters to custom mix a material. Utilizing multiple stages, the VPM2 can be programmed for time, speed and paddle direction.

Pre-mix stage blends powder and liquid using alternating paddle direction, eliminating the need for hand mixing Twin chamber, oil-less vacuum pump offers a powerful vacuum quickly, providing a bubble-free mix Vortex inducing paddle design quickly and efficiently incorporates mix Inlet filter prevents material from entering vacuum pump Display programmable in 5 languages (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish) Compact, space saving design

  • Power Supply 85-245 V, 50/60Hz
  • Dimensions 8.8″W x 22.5″H x 6.2″D
  • Weight 20 kg (45 lbs.)
  • Mixing Speed 100-500 RPM Premix, 100-400 RPM
  • Vacuum 27.5 In Hg (930 mbar)
  • User Programs 30 Mixing Time 1-255 Seconds (4.25 minutes)
  • Warranty 3 years (US & Canada Only)
Item Description  Price
29340 VPM2 (115V/60 Hz) with stand and 500 mL Vac-U-Mixer  $2,774.48
29339 VPM2 (115v/60Hz) with wall bracket and 500 mL Vac-U-Mixer  $2,602.32
Item Description  Price
29348  #7685 1200mL (1000g capacity)  $265.11
29346  #6685 875 mL (650g capacity)  $236.96
29345  #6585 500 mL (350g capacity)  $236.96
29344  #4485 300 mL (150g capacity)  $236.96

Dental Lab Vacuum Mixer Bowls

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The Whip Mix VAC-U-MIXER allows thorough spatulating of stones, plasters, die materials, investments and alginates under vacuum to produce smooth, dense, detailed casts or impressions. Every VAC-U-MIXER size can be driven by both the COMBINATION UNIT or the VACUUM POWER MIXER PLUS.

Easy Operation: Simply insert drive nut in the drive chuck of your vacuum-mixing unit and the VAC-U-MIXER will do the rest. To avoid contamination, separate VAC-U-MIXERS should be used for mixing phosphate investments, alginates and gypsum materials.

The #4450, 300 mL size with a Teflon-coated paddle for easy cleanup is recommended for alginates. The VAC-U-MIXER is available in five sizes to satisfy the needs of any office or laboratory. These mixers provide a range of capacities from 25 grams to 1000 grams.

Sturdy construction ensures trouble-free operation; bowls are rigid clear plastic or stainless steel (#7600, 1200 cc). All models have stainless steel paddles and shafts. Provide a description of your present equipment and materials to be mixed when you order so that proper drive nuts will be supplied. Vac-U-Spat

The VAC-U-SPAT permits spatulating and investing of inlay, crown, and bridge patterns completely under vacuum. The resulting castings are smooth and bubble-free. The Whip Mix VAC-U-MIXER allows thorough spatulating of stones, plasters, die materials, investments and alginates under vacuum to produce smooth, dense, detailed casts or impressions. Every VAC-U-MIXER size can be driven by both the COMBINATION UNIT or the VACUUM POWER MIXER PLUS.

Easy Operation: Simply insert drive nut in the drive chuck of your vacuum-mixing unit and the VAC-U-MIXER will do the rest. To avoid contamination, separate VAC-U-MIXERS should be used for mixing phosphate investments, alginates and gypsum materials.

The #4450, 300 mL size with a Teflon-coated paddle for easy cleanup is recommended for alginates.

The VAC-U-MIXER is available in five sizes to satisfy the needs of any office or laboratory. These mixers provide a range of capacities from 25 grams to 1000 grams.

Sturdy construction ensures trouble-free operation; bowls are rigid clear plastic or stainless steel (#7600, 1200 cc). All models have stainless steel paddles and shafts.

Provide a description of your present equipment and materials to be mixed when you order so that proper drive nuts will be supplied.

Vac-U-Spat permits spatulating and investing of inlay, crown, and bridge patterns completely under vacuum. The resulting castings are smooth and bubble-free.

08664 $198.71  #6400 200 mL (100 g cap.) – 2 scoops of alginate*, with #6406 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #6375
08672 $198.71 #6400 200 mL (100 g cap.) with #4007 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #4109
08702 $198.71  #4450 300 mL (150 g cap.) with #4455 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #6375
08729 $198.71 #4450 300 mL (150 g cap.) with #4507 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #4109
08761 $198.71 #6500 500 mL (350 g cap.) with #6506 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #6375
08818 $198.71 #6500 500 mL (350 g cap.) – 5 scoops of alginate* with #6508 Flat Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #6375
08834 $198.17 #6600 875 mL (650 g cap.) with #6606 Paddle Assembly and Drive Nut #6375
08842 $266.24  #7600 1200 mL (1000 g cap.) – Stainless Steel Bowl and Lid
15652 $223.99  #6515 500 mL (350 g cap.) – For use with HANDY-HOLDER
15660 $223.99  #6615 875 mL (650 g cap.) – For use with HANDY-HOLDER  
Replacement Bowls
07595 #4002 Plastic Bowl 200mL
07609 #4452 Plastic Bowl 300mL
08974 #6502 Plastic Bowls 500mL
09032 #6602 Plastic Bowl 875mL
09067 #7602 Stainless Steel Bowl 1200mL

Flexible Vac-U-Mixer Bowls

Flexible Vacuum Mixing Bowls

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The Flexible Vac-U-Mixer is what technicians have been asking for … A smart alternative to hard plastic mixing bowls. Few things frustrate dental assistants or model technicians more than stone that has hardened in an expensive bowl. They must scrape the bowl manually, often damaging it beyond use. Many times, the hardened stone cannot be removed at all. Enter the revolutionary Flexible Vac-U-Mixer for the Vacuum Power Mixer, Combination Unit and VPM2. With just a firm squeeze, the technician can crack and release a majority of the hardened stone without damaging the bowl. The Flexible bowl has a higher impact resistance than a standard mixing bowl.

The Flexible Vac-u-Mixer Advantage:

  • First ever flexible bowl
  • Twice as durable as standard mixing bowl Firm squeeze releases hardened stone
  • Easy Clean up Visual indicators of the max fill line
  • Prevents overfilling the bowl which can result in damage to mixing unit Larger opening for easier hand access
  • Contoured for easy spatula access Flexible bowl for mixing investments and gypsums under vacuum Available in 350 gram & 650 gram bowls

Replacement Parts for Vacuum Mixers

Replacement Parts for Vacuum Mixer

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Drive Nuts and Chucks

Whip Mix driving motors provide two basic speeds. High speed at 1725 rpm is recommended only for vacuum-investing with the 200 mL or 300 mL VAC-U-SPAT. Because of its small paddle diameter, the VAC-U-SPAT gives the most uniform results with all inlay investments with high speed spatulation.

Low speed at 425 rpm is recommended for all VAC-U-MIXERS when spatulating gypsum materials, alginates and large quantities of investments. The POWER-MIXER with Vacuum provides only low speed. But the COMBINATION UNIT has two drive speeds: the rear Drive Chuck #6108 is the high speed at 1725 rpm, and front is the low speed at 425 rpm. Drive Nuts on the mixing units and corresponding drive chucks on motors have been designed to prevent the interchange of a mixing unit between these two speeds.

Also, the directions of rotation of the drive chucks for these speeds is opposite. The high speed drive chucks of the discontinued VAC-U-VESTOR and the COMBINATION UNIT require a Left-Hand thread for the paddle shaft and drive nut. The low speed drives of the COMBINATION UNIT, and the POWERMIXER with Vacuum, need a Right-Hand thread for the paddle shaft and drive nut.

It is important, therefore, that the proper drive nut is specified whenever a mixing unit is ordered. And when adapting a mixer already in use the thread direction must be considered — sometimes the entire paddle assembly must be changed.

Item Description Price
 09091   #6375 Slotted Drive Nut – for operation with COMBINATION UNIT or POWER MIXERS – R.H. Thread  $27.00
 15555   #6393 Drive Nut for operation with HANDY-HOLDER on COMBINATION UNIT or POWER MIXER with Vacuum – R.H. Thread $27.00
 09113   #4109 Friction Grip Drive Nut (for 200, 300, and 500 mL size only) for operation with VAC-U-VESTER and COMBINATION UNIT – L.H. T $35.70
 09105   #6865 Slotted Drive Nut (for 1200 mL VAC-U-MIXER or Discontinued 6″ Mechanical Mixer) for operation with COMBINATION UNIT or POW $35.70
Plastic Tubing and Connections
Item Description Price
 09180   #5703 Gauze – for Plastic Trap (Pkg. of 6)
 07374   #5702 “O” Ring #2-7/16″ O.D. – fits inside Trap Cap (Pkg. of 6)  $22.14
 09172   #5701 Metal Trap Cap – with “O” Rings #1 and #2  $43.52
 07366   #4008 “O” Ring #1-5/16″ O.D. – for tip of Trap Cap (Pkg. of 6)  $17.58
 09156   #5700 Plastic Tubing, 2-1/4 ft. with Plastic Trap, Trap Cap and “O” Rings  $96.18
 09211   #5709 Plastic Tubing – 5 ft. length  $55.80
 09202   #5705 Plastic Trap – with Retainer Spring and Gauze  $19.13
 09199   #5704 Retainer Spring  $4.46