Hi-Temp Investment

Hi-Temp Investment
Hi-Temp Investment

Hi-Temp Carbon-Free Investment for High Fusing Alloys

A special investment for non-precious and semi-precious alloys. HI-TEMP contains no carbon. Non-precious metal alloys require an investment specially compounded to:

  • Compensate for alloy shrinkage
  • Withstand high-fusing temperatures
  • Provide a non-contaminating atmosphere
  • Allow casting of a lighter-density metal

HI-TEMP is the investment with these characteristics and more. It gives a smooth surface to the casting, flows readily and evenly for fine detail and sharp margins, and has high strength to prevent damage to the mold. The technique is simple. SPECIAL LIQUID CONCENTRATE is used instead of water. Control of expansion is obtained by dilution of the SPECIAL LIQUID CONCENTRATE with water — the greater the dilution, the less the expansion of the investment. Four parts liquid to one part water is the proportion suggested to get some frictional retention for full crowns on well-tapered preparation. Otherwise, the technique is essentially the same as handling any casting investment. The chart shows the various expansions of HI-TEMP at different concentrations of SPECIAL LIQUID CONCENTRATE

*Suggested concentration of SPECIAL LIQUID CONCENTRATE  is 75% (3 parts liquid to 1 part water).

*Recommended Liquid – Special Liquid Concentrate

Physical Properties

Liquid*/Powder Ratio
16 mL /100 g
Working Time
7 – 8 minutes
Setting Expansion
Thermal Expansion
Compressive Strength, Wet
1,500 psi (10 MPa)
Item No.  Description  Price
 330215  15 kg (33 lb.) Carton $132.24
Preweighed Envelopes
 00671  144 – 90 g Package $174.44
 00663  144 – 60 g Package $153.10
Special Liquid Concentrate
 02190  6pk / 1 Liter Bottles $197.88
 02135  340mL Bottle $15.74
 02194  1 Liter Bottle $35.40

Technical Resources