Gyp Strip

Gyp Strip
Gyp Strip


A highly effective gypsum remover, not only keeps equipment sparkling clean — it saves time and energy, too. GYP-STRIP’S penetrating action removes plaster, stone and gypsum investments from mixing bowls, acrylic dentures, denture flasks, casting rings and non-aluminum articulators. GYP-STRIP is versatile — you can use it in an ultrasonic, or as an overnight soaking agent. Available in one-gallon jugs, GYP-STRIP requires no mixing or diluting.

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Item No. Description Price
GYP-STRIP (Gypsum Remover) 
27022 15 liter (4 gallon) Case  $243.34
27014 3.75 liter (1 gallon) Container  $69.15