Luxury Deluxe Articulator

Luxury Deluxe Articulator
Luxury Deluxe Articulator

Keystone’s Luxury Deluxe Articulators still offer the finest quality while remaining at an affordable price. This Luxury Deluxe Articulator is a four-piece magnetic mounting disc set with two plastic steel mounting magnet plates. There is a curved plate, a flat plate and long incisal and central pins. The mount is backed with black Teflon coating. The articulator is easy to clean.

Item No. Description Price
1050085 Luxury Deluxe Articulator $108.10
1050001 4 Piece Insert For Luxury Articulator $11.31
1050002 2 Plastic-Steel Mounting Magnet Plate $36.14
1050003 Curved Plate For Luxury Articulator $8.39
1050004 Flat Plate For Luxury Articulator $8.52
1050005 Nk Apex 2 Bronze Articulator $17.03
1050006 Long Incisal Pin For Luxury Articulator $8.52
1050007 Central Pin For Luxury Articulator $5.98